Current Publications
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts:
1. Britto, M.T., Rohan, J.M., Dodds, C.M., Byczkowski, T.L. (In Press). A Randomized Trial of User-Controlled Text Messaging to Improve Asthma Outcomes: A Pilot Study. Clinical Pediatrics. Available online: 10.1177/0009922816684857
2. Rohan, J.M., Fukuda, T., Alderfer, M.A., Donewar, C., Ewing, L., Katz, E.R., Muriel, A.C., Vinks, A.A., & Drotar, D. (2016). Measuring Medication Adherence in Pediatric Cancer: An Approach to Validation. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42, 232-244.
3. Ibeziako, P., Rohan J.M., Bujoreanu, S., Choi, C., Hanrahan, M., Freizinger, M. (In Press) Medically Hospitalized Patients with Eating Disorders and Somatoform Disorders in Pediatrics: What Are Their Similarities and Differences and How Can We Improve Their Care? Hospital Pediatrics, 6, 730-737.
4. Rohan, J.M., Huang, B., Pendley, J., Delamater, A., Dolan, L., Reeves, G., & Drotar, D. (2015). Predicting Health Resilience in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: A Test of the Resilience Model Framework. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40, 956-967.
5. Rohan, J.M., Drotar, D., Alderfer, M., Donewar, C., Ewing, L., Katz, E., & Muriel, A. (2015). Electronic Monitoring of Medication Adherence in Early Maintenance Phase Treatment for Pediatric Leukemia and Lymphoma: Identifying Patterns of Nonadherence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40, 75-84.
6. Iskander, J.M., Rohan, J.M., Pendley, J., Delamater, A., & Drotar, D. (2015). A Three-year Prospective Study of Parent-Child Communication in Early Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Relationship to Adherence and Glycemic Control. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40, 109-120.
7. Wu, Y.P., Rausch, J., Rohan, J.M., Hood, K.K., Pendley, J., Delamater, A., & Drotar, D. (2014). Autonomy Support and Responsibility-Sharing Predict Blood Glucose Monitoring Frequency Among Youth With Diabetes. Health Psychology, 33, 1224-1231.
8. Rohan, J.M., Rausch, J.R., Shroff Pendley, J., Delamater, A., Dolan, L., Reeves, G., & Drotar, D. (2014). Identification and Prediction of Group-Based Glycemic Control Trajectories during the Transition to Adolescence. Health Psychology, 33, 1143-1152.
9. Veeneman, N. C., Rohan, J.M., & Nabors, L.A. (2014). Middle school age children’s acceptance of a child with a facial scar. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 7, 213-217.
10. Rohan, J., Drotar, D., Alderfer, M., Donewar, C., Ewing, L., Katz, E., & Muriel, A. (2014). Abstracts of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 11th Annual Conference: Patterns of Adherence to Maintenance Treatment and Psychosocial Outcomes in Pediatric Cancer. Psycho-Oncology,23 (S1), 92-93.
11. Drotar, D., Cortina, S., Rohan, J.M., Somers, M., Hilliard, M.E., & Maddux, M. (2014). Conducting Psychological Intervention Research in Pediatric Clinical Settings: Strategies and Implications. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 2, 194-205.
12. Hilliard, M.E., Rohan, J.M., Rausch, J., Delamater, A., Shroff Pendley, J., & Drotar, D. (2014). Patterns and Predictors of Paternal Involvement in Early Adolescents’ Type 1 Diabetes Management over 3 Years. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39, 74-83.
13. Rohan, J.M. (2013). Commentary: Time Series Analysis in Pediatric Psychology. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 1, 326-332.
14. Rohan, J.M., Drotar, D., Perry, A.R., McDowell, K., Malkin, J., & Kercsmar, C. (2013). Training health care providers to conduct adherence promotion in pediatric settings: An example with pediatric asthma. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 1, 314-325.
15. Wu, Y.P., Rohan, J.M., Martin, S., Hommel, K., Greenley, R.N., Loiselle, K., Ambrosino, J., Fredericks, E.M. (2013). Pediatric Psychologist Use of Adherence Assessments and Interventions. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 38, 595-604.
16. Cortina, S., Somers, M., Rohan, J.M., & Drotar, D. (2013). Clinical Effectiveness of Comprehensive Psychological Intervention for Nonadherence to Medical Treatment: A Case Series. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 38, 649-663.
17. Drotar, D., Ittenbach, R., Rohan, J.M., Gupta, R., Shroff Pendley, J., & Delamater, A. (2013). Diabetes Management and Glycemic Control in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: Test of a Predictive Model. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 36, 234 - 245.
18. Rohan, J.M., Shroff Pendley, J., Delamater, A., Dolan, D., Reeves, G., & Drotar, D. (2013). Patterns of Self-Management in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Predict Level of Glycemic Control Two Years Later. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 34, 186-196.
19. Ittenbach, R.F., Cassedy, A.E., Rohan, J.M., Delamater, A., Shroff Pendley, J., Hood, K.K., Harris, M.A., Drotar, D. (2013). Diabetes Self-Management Profile Short Form: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 20, 107-113.
20. Kahana, S., Rohan, J., Allison, S., Frazier, T., & Drotar, D. Ph.D. (2013). A Meta-analytic Review of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection and Virologic Response in Youth. Aids and Behavior, 17, 41-60.
21. Miller, M., Rohan, J.M., Delamater, A., Shroff Pendley, J., Dolan, D., Reeves, G., & Drotar, D. (2013). The role of executive functioning in self-management of pediatric type 1 diabetes: A longitudinal report. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 38, 18-29.
22. Herzer, M., Ramey, C., Rohan, J., & Cortina, S. (2012). Incorporating electronic monitoring into clinical care: A novel and promising adherence promotion approach. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 505-518.
23. Rausch, J.R., Hood, K.K., Delamater, A., Shroff Pendley, J., Rohan, J.M., Reeves, G., Dolan, L., & Drotar, D. (2012). Changes in treatment adherence and glycemic control during the transition to adolescence in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 35, 1219-1224.
24. Sood, E.D., Shroff Pendley, J., Delamater, A., Rohan, J.M., Pulgaron, E., Drotar, D. (2012). Mother-father informant discrepancies regarding diabetes management: Associations with diabetes-specific family conflict and glycemic control. Health Psychology, 31(5), 571-579.
25. Rohan, J.M., Delamater, A., Shroff Pendley, J., Dolan, L., Reeves, G., & Drotar, D. (2011). Identification of Self- Management Patterns in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Using Cluster Analysis. Pediatric Diabetes, 12, 611-618.
26. Hilliard, M. E., Ramey, C., Rohan, J. M., Drotar, D., & Cortina, S. (2011). Electronic monitoring feedback to promote adherence in an adolescent with Fanconi Anemia. Health Psychology, 30, 503-509.
27. Hilliard, M., Rohan, J., Carle, A., Shroff-Pendley, J., Delamater, A., & Drotar, D. (2011). Fathers’ involvement in preadolescents’ diabetes adherence and glycemic control. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 36, 911-922.
28. Drotar, D., Alderfer, M., Ewing, L., Katz, E., Muriel, A., Wetherington, C., Rohan, J., & Vinks, S. (2010). International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP XXXXII Congress Boston, United States October 21–24, 2010 SIOP Abstracts. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 55, 775–1014.
29. McNally, K., Rohan, J., Shroff Pendley, J., Delamater, A., & Drotar, D. (2010). Executive Functioning, Treatment Adherence, and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 33 (6), 1159-1162.
30. Hood, K. K., Rohan, J.M., Peterson, C.M., & Drotar, D. (2010). Interventions with Adherence-Promoting Components in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: Meta-analysis of Their Impact on Glycemic Control. Diabetes Care, 33 (7),1658 - 1664.
31. Rohan, J., Drotar, D., McNally, K., Schluchter, M., Riekert, K., Vavrek, P., Schmidt, A., Redline, & S., Kerscmar, C. (2010). Adherence to Pediatric Asthma Treatment in Economically Disadvantaged African American Children and Adolescents: An Application of Growth Curve Analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35, 394-404.
32. McNally, K.A., Rohan, J., Drotar, D., Schluchter, M., Riekert, K., Vavrek, P., Schmidt, A., Redline, & S., Kerscmar, C. (2009). Adherence to Combined Montelukast and Fluticasone Treatment in Economically Disadvantaged African American Youth with Asthma. Journal of Asthma, 46 (9), 921-927.
33. Hood, K. K., Peterson, C.M., Rohan, J.M., & Drotar, D. (2009). Association Between Adherence and Glycemic Control in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 124 (6), e1171-e1179.